A desktop application to train the principles of military to civilian bi-lateral engagement.
Developed for Fort Leavenworth’s School for Command Preparation (SCP), the Bi-Lateral Engagement training application teaches the fundamentals of preparing for, meeting and negotiating with foreign individuals within a culturally aware context. Users must develop relationships with non-player characters through successful meetings, as they sort through the information and disinformation gathered about a collection of interrelated civil-military issues. The application is currently used for training at Fort Leavenworth’s SCP and is slated for Army-wide release for use by Mobile Training Teams (MTT) focused on training Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT).
The project was developed working closely with Army subject matter experts, the Army Research Institute, and the Army Research Lab. CTI principals conceived, developed and directed this project while at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies. The next release of Bi-Lat, version 2.0, is scheduled for release in spring 2008.