The US Army’s Future Combat Systems embedded training and mission rehearsal systems seamlessly ready soldiers throughout all phases of combat preparation. This film is the third in a four-part CTI series that tells the story of a Future Combat System (FCS) Brigade Combat Team’s (BCT) seventy-two hour transition and transport from counter-insurgency to full scale combat three thousand miles away, emphasizing the intense training requirements this sudden shift requires. Warning Order begins at the conclusion of the cordon and knock operation at the end of the FCS video Safehouse. The scout platoon must rapidly prepare for full scale combat in a different country three-thousand miles away. In-vehicle FCS embedded training and mission-rehearsal systems enable individual and collective training in tasks that were little used in the Counter-Insurgency and Stability and Reconstruction operations preceding the unit’s this chapter of the story. Training on their combat platforms from the motor-pool?to staging areas?to en-route, the embedded, networked training systems give the soldiers the practice and confidence to go into combat and win under the most challenging of circumstances. Shot on location on Oahu, Hawaii and in Hollywood California, the video was made with the support of the FCS One Team partners, the United States Marine Corps and United States Air Force.

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