JFETS is the United States Army’s premier call-for-fire close air support prototype trainer.
The Joint Fires and Effects Trainer System (JFETS) trains Joint Warfighters in the employment of the full range of Joint fires and effects in the current and future operational battlespace. An immersive tactical trainer, JFETS consists of both urban and close air support (CAS) training modules. Since it opened for training in 2004, JFETS has trained over 5000 Soldiers, Airmen, and Marines. In August 2005 Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) certified JFETS CAS as one of only three systems across the Department of Defense certified for training Type 1 and 2 controls of CAS. Among the nine possible systems reviewed and rated, JFETS scored highest.
CTI principals conceived, directed and led this project while at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies. JFETS currently trains Joint Warfighters at Fort Sill, Oklahoma’s Joint Fires Battlelab.