CTI supported teammate Utopia Compression on a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research project for the Office of Naval Research. NEUMET-CO (Neuroimaging augmented Meta-Cognition model) is a system of cognitive models that will be used as a novel intelligent tutoring tool in a training context. The model will predict decision-making capabilities of warfighters. CTI developed the training test bed, including the instructional design, application design, and proof of concept. In its operation, NEUMET-CO, validated through neuroimaging experimentation, will consider factors that are influenced by the student’s social-cultural environment (such as rational thinking, volition, personality traits, risk-taking ability, etc.). NUEMET-CO will assist the military by performing higher-order interactions among various neural substrates to help identify soldiers who might need additional training to enhance their cognitive ability allowing them to make rapid decisions without exhausting these higher-order interactions.